๐Ÿ“Š Reporting Analytics

Analyze data with dashboards and reports

With HeyTaco analytics, you can measure engagement and discover taco giving and receiving trends and patterns.


Engaged employees produce better business outcomes

Most employees are not engaged, and as a result, companies are facing low productivity and high turnover. This disengagement is costly and can be detrimental. HeyTaco has proven to help increase engagement while adding enjoyment to your workplace.

Tips for HeyTaco success

  • Celebrate both the big and little things.
  • Use giving tacos as a way to show your appreciation.
  • Let tacos spark conversations.
  • Encourage leadership and managers to participate.
  • Support timely recognition by adding HeyTaco to existing discussions.
  • Aim for quality, not quantity.
  • Have fun giving tacos.

Teams โค๏ธ HeyTaco