๐ŸŽ Taco Shop

Custom-tailored rewards your team will love

With HeyTaco, you can easily create meaningful rewards that are custom-built and unique for your company that are redeemable for tacos.

Mystery box
Music subscription
Virtual cooking class

69% of teams celebrate less than three times per quarter

Remembering to take time to celebrate is challenging, especially doing it in a memorable way. Rewards are a great way to add some extra excitement to your taco economy. You can create custom-tailored rewards that your team can redeem with tacos theyโ€™ve received.

Reward ideas your team will love

  • Taco Trophy The winner gets a taco trophy, hat, or a pin for the month.
  • 1:1 with CEO/Leadership Get 30 minutes with anyone on the leadership team to discuss anything you like, want to learn more about, or share your thoughts.
  • Emcee an all-hands meeting Lead, get everyone excited, and emcee an all-hands meeting.
  • Pet of the week Your pet becomes the "pet of the week" across the company's internal pages.
  • Coffee Expense a meetup over beverages of your choice. Bonus points if it's with someone new.
  • Company swag Get stickers, socks, a shirt, a hat, or a mug shipped to you.
  • Learn something new (Airbnb Experiences) It's your chance to learn something new. Redeem your tacos, and feel free to pick from Airbnb experiences such as learning how to paint, surf, cook, or anything!
  • Spa treatment/day Good for expensing an hour of massage in your local area.
  • Movie or music subscription for a year Get one of the movie subscriptions (Netflix, Hulu, Apple TV, etc.) or a music subscription (Spotify, Apple Music, etc.).
  • Fitness/gym subscription for 6 months Get a six-month fitness/gym subscription.
  • Tacos for dinner Get a taco dinner for you +1 from a place of your choice.
  • Daycare/pet stipend Receive a voucher to pamper your pet.
  • Adventure time Expense an adventure. Just make sure you come back safe.
  • 2 Movie tickets Go to a flick with whoever you'd like, and then share your review with the team. No SPOILERS!
  • Rally for a cause Rally for a cause - Once we get enough tacos, we'll take the day or half the day off to volunteer together.
  • Small group lunch Expense up to $100 for a group lunch. We'll pick a contributor to give the lunch $$$'s to and organize your outing.
  • Game night Get the team together for a live or virtual game night.
  • Tacos for charity Once we get enough tacos, we'll donate to our favorite charities.

What HeyTaco customers are saying


"HeyTaco has been brilliant as it's such an easy (and fun) way to build culture and camaraderie within our team. I love the tool and so does the rest of the team!"


"HeyTaco allows our staff to publicly recognize and appreciate each other with virtual tacos. This not only fosters a sense of camaraderie and appreciation within the team but also gives them the opportunity to redeem their earned tacos for rewards, making it a valuable addition to our positive work culture."


"Going on 3+ years of HeyTaco and <3 what it does for our team with every ounce. The brilliance of the tacos for employees is its simple, drafts off real workflows, and is a great async way to teach/learn what good behavior is."


"HeyTaco allows me to notice the recognition team members are giving each other. Before, I had no way of knowing and wouldn't be able to recognize things myself. We're having a lot of fun with it."


"I don't know whose idea HeyTaco was, but it's sooooo cool. I love that Slack is blowing up with positivity. And I've gotten tacos for things I didn't realize were so important to certain people. And have loved having something I can give folks who go above and beyond."


"What I saw in the days, weeks, months and now years since we installed HeyTaco is incredible. I saw peers, coworkers on different teams, management, executives, everyone โ€“ all giving teammates shout outs for their awesome work. From highlighting out company values, helping out peers and going above and beyond, to generally being awesome humans. The channel turned into a showcase of the best of our team. Pure gratitude and appreciation of the work teammates were doing."


"Itโ€™s so easy to acknowledge co-workers this way that Iโ€™ve offered more praise in eight weeks than I likely did in eight years."

Read more HeyTaco reviews on G2